What is Parkway all about?
Here at Parkway, we want to help you in your spiritual journey. Our entry point for that is called "Equip" (Ephesians 4:12).
This multi-week experience is more than just a class. The vision for Equip is to see lost people saved, saved people pastored, pastored people discipled, and discipled people mobilized.
The four main elements of Equip are Discover Your God, Discover Your Church, Discover Your Purpose, and Discover Your People. Through this class, you will have the opportunity to get connected to a group, find a place to volunteer based on your gifts, and become a member of Parkway Church.
Our next session of Equip will begin on October 2nd at 6:30pm in the overlook room. This class meets for 6 weeks, so the final meeting will be on November 6th.